The 4411's layout is the same as the 442's At the back, there is the goalkeeper, two centrebacks and two fullbacks In the midfield, there are two central midfielders and a wide midfielder 4141のメリット・デメリット メリット 攻撃・守備ともにバランスが良い 守備で数的優位の状況を作りやすい 臨機応変にフォーメーションを変えることが出来る フォーメーションを4 b) Add the answer from previous step 12 to the numerator 1 New numerator is 12 1 = 13 c) Write a previous answer (new numerator 13) over the denominator 4 Three and one quarter is
サッカー4 2 3 1フォーメーションの特徴と相性をプロコーチが解説